Alecia Polleys

Regional Sales Manager

One of our favorite games at Here Comes The Guide is, "Who Would You Want To Be With in a Zombie Apocalypse?" (we're a blast at parties). Let me tell you, Alecia should be at the top of everyone's list. She is fiercely determined yet immediately likable. She would charm any zombie on the spot and also have your back in a conflict. She takes no prisoners and does NOT back down from a challenge. And, she's amazingly creative and crafty, so she would definitely keep your safe house cozy with her endless talent. If you're lucky enough to have her as your Account Representative, she'll make your list in no time flat—you have a fierce and loyal advocate by your side. Now, let's just hope we never see that Zombie Apocalypse.

Insider Info

Pronouns: she / her / hers

Marital status: Recent­ly mar­ried! 10.9.21 — Could’ve been a Covid bride, but some­how we timed it out just right and did­n’t have to change our date!

How I spend my free time: Work­ing on home projects (paint­ing, build­ing, rear­rang­ing fur­ni­ture, dec­o­rat­ing, etc.), kayak­ing, cud­dling with my pups and kit­ty, draw­ing, craft­ing, and shopping.

Guilty pleasure: Lit­tle Deb­bie Hol­i­day Cakes (the Christ­mas trees are my favorite).

Workspace décor: Most­ly neu­tral and tex­tur­al. Black fur­ni­ture with beachy wick­er accents, tans, and soft greens.

Favorite wedding moment: Our cer­e­mo­ny. The part I was least look­ing for­ward to because I dis­like being in front of people…and it end­ed up being one of my most mem­o­rable moments. Our offi­ciant (our real­ly good friend) made his speech so per­son­al and it was 100% us. My fin­gers were also so swollen that we could­n’t get my ring on, so that was pret­ty fun­ny as well.

Favorite things: Pho­tog­ra­phy, draw­ing, man­ga / ani­mé, dogs, cats, pas­ta, hock­ey, base­ball, friends, fam­i­ly, and theatre.

Films that I never get sick of watching: Bil­ly Madi­son, Dead­pool, The Night­mare Before Christ­mas, The San­ta Clause.

Favorite Quote: Every saint has a past, every sin­ner has a future.” —Ludo

Song that always hypes you up: I’m On A Boat” by The Lone­ly Island.