Chelsea Shorkey

Client Success Manager

Chelsea came in to Here Comes The Guide like a dark horse: sweet, calm, unassuming, and full of surprises. We almost didn't see her coming, but feel so lucky to watch her emerge into a true powerhouse—full of skills and talents that delight us at every turn. One minute, she's writing venue editorial. The next minute, she's taking exceptional care of clients. And on her "off" days, she's running her own creative studio. Is there anything she can't do? Chelsea is someone you can bet on...even if you don't see her coming until she’s already winning!

Insider Info

Pronouns: she / her / hers

Favorite things: My Airedale pup (Isla), the ocean, oat milk vanil­la lattes, pas­ta, stay­ing up late, and char­cu­terie boards.

What I’m listening to: Audio­books, so many pod­casts, and of course LANY and Tay­lor Swift.

Guilty pleasures: I love real­i­ty TV. Although I do like shows with more sub­stance” too (my cur­rent favorites are The Handmaid’s Tale, Big Lit­tle Lies, and Yel­low­stone).

Favorite way to wind down after a hard day: The longest, hottest show­er. I’m a firm believ­er that a good show­er can fix anything.

Dream travel destination: Italy and Greece have always been at the very top of my wish list.

Workspace decor: Lack of col­or, cups of cof­fee, and lots of Post-its.

Film that I never get sick of watching: The Wiz­ard of Oz. This one’s my favorite movie from child­hood and it’s now my com­fort film.

Favorite quote: Be the child you were.” —Jan Spiller

What I love about my job: There tru­ly isn’t a part of it that I would change. The amaz­ing peo­ple, flex­i­bil­i­ty, uplift­ing community…I love it all!