Denise Martinez

Director of Feature Sales

If Here Comes The Guide ran the “Ultimate BFF” pageant, Denise would come out on top—complete with sparkling tiara. She’s the epitome of a fantastic friend: super fun, easy to talk to, and the first to pop the cork on a bottle of champagne to celebrate your wins. Speaking of celebrations, Denise spent several years coordinating weddings and events for popular venues in the San Francisco Bay Area. She’s got her finger on the pulse of the industry and is always game for a creative brainstorming sesh. While she efficiently handles the thousands of feature placements across our website, she still manages to keep up with the latest episodes of Real Housewives. Tiaras, champs, and Bravo? We told you she was the ultimate bestie.

Insider Info

Pronouns: she / her / hers

Domestic status: Wife to an incred­i­bly tal­ent­ed artist and Mom to two adorable, ener­getic boys.

Favorite wedding-related movie: Philadel­phia Sto­ry. Cary Grant and Kather­ine Hepburn…what more could you want?

Extracurricular activities: Tak­ing my boys to the play­ground, run­ning on the beach, event plan­ning, dis­cov­er­ing new restau­rants and bars, trav­el­ing, spend­ing time with fam­i­ly and friends.

Source of inspiration: My Mom. She worked full time and raised three crazy kids. She is proof that you can have as close to it all” as pos­si­ble. She also sees the good in every per­son — it’s an amaz­ing trait to have.

Most unrealistic life goal: To be an Inde­pen­dent­ly Wealthy God­dess glo­be­trot­ting around the world.

Guilty pleasure: Real­i­ty TV. I have an unhealthy rela­tion­ship with BRA­VO TV and Andy Cohen.

Childhood career choice: Astro­naut. How did that work out? Well, I made it to space camp in 5th grade — then I dis­cov­ered boys and sports and lost all inter­est in science.

Celebrity I would most like to have a one-on-one date with: Dwayne Dou­glas John­son, aka The Rock. (Have you seen Ballers? He is HOT!)

Favorite way to wind down after a hard day: A long work­out at the gym, din­ner with my boys, and an episode of Real House­wives.

What pushes my panic button: When I’m not able to get every­thing done on my dai­ly to-do list.

New Year's resolution: I hate New Year’s res­o­lu­tions. If there’s some­thing I need to change about myself, I just do it. Why wait for Jan­u­ary 1st?

Dream vacation spot: Fiji. I’ve always want­ed to stay in a hut over the water.

Work space décor: Cute office sup­plies, a jade plant and fam­i­ly photos.

Favorite culinary aphrodisiac: Sushi. It’s usu­al­ly what my hus­band and I go out for on date night.

Theme song: This Girl Is On Fire” by Ali­cia Keys.

What I like most about my job: I love help­ing my clients boost their busi­ness and I feel so lucky to be able to work with an amaz­ing group of tal­ent­ed, smart, fun­ny and authen­tic women. They’re not just my co-work­ers, we’re a sisterhood!