Hayley Forsburg

Regional Sales Manager

Hayley is the human version of a gorgeous wedding cake: this girl's got layers on layers, y'all! She's an equestrian, a surfer, a coffee junkie, an avid gardener, and an artist. Oh, and she also swam with a tiger shark! (No joke, you can read more about that below. #whoa) But most importantly, Hayley is a truly authentic, kind, and generous soul. She is passionate about helping wedding venues reach their potential, and she attacks her work each day with fierce intention. Yep, she is ALL of the things. And just a smidge cooler than the sister you always wish you had. We are so very lucky to call her ours.

Insider Info

Domestic status: Hap­pi­ly mar­ried to a won­der­ful guy who keeps me (most­ly) sane, mama to a crazy smart + spicy tod­dler, and fur mama/​funny farm keep­er to a bevy of animals. 

Childhood career choice: I was always the horse girl” grow­ing up, and I think at one point I actu­al­ly want­ed to be a horse when I grew up. Dream big, right? There was also a brief stint of want­i­ng to be a fire­fight­er, like my dad. That stopped quick­ly when I watched the movie Back­draft. I also told him he was nev­er allowed to go to work again after that. In case you’re won­der­ing, he did­n’t listen.

Guilty pleasure: Gar­den­ing + spend­ing way too much mon­ey on plants, col­lect­ing chick­ens, a good glass of wine, and yoga pants with pockets. 

Extracurricular activities: Gar­den­ing, horse­back rid­ing, art, out­rig­ger pad­dling, and stand-up pad­dle­board­ing. Basi­cal­ly, I’m hap­pi­est outside. 

What pushes my panic button: Spi­ders, dis­or­ga­ni­za­tion, and being late. I go into full pan­ic mode with all of them. Luck­i­ly, my saint­ly hus­band knows how to deal with all three accord­ing­ly. Spi­ders usu­al­ly involve him telling me that we are, in fact, not going to burn our house down as a solution.

Favorite wedding detail: We flew our close fam­i­ly friend in from Hawai’i to per­form a Hawai­ian cer­e­mo­ny for us. He per­formed my par­en­t’s vow renew­al about 15 years pri­or to our wed­ding, so it was incred­i­bly spe­cial to all of us to have him offi­ci­ate for us. 

Something not a lot of people know about me: I’m a total pep­per head. I LOVE spicy food, and I car­ry around mini bot­tles of hot sauce with me — although they aren’t near­ly hot enough.

The Tiger Shark story I know you've been curious about: My dad and I were swim­ming in Hawai’i at one of our favorite beach­es. We were about 200 feet off­shore, and the vis­i­bil­i­ty was some­what lim­it­ed because it had rained heav­i­ly the day before. A life­guard heli­copter was out doing patrols and hap­pened to fly over us. When they flew over, they imme­di­ate­ly turned around and start­ed hov­er­ing above us. One of them leaned out of the heli­copter and start­ed motion­ing for us to swim in, fol­lowed by a hand straight up on his head — a shark fin. My dad and I swam in calm­ly and they stayed close as we did. When we reached the shore, we found out that there was a 14′ tiger shark swim­ming about 30 feet away from us. Sure enough, we looked out and saw a fin cruis­ing around. I still love the ocean, but you prob­a­bly won’t see me swim­ming in murky water any­more. #shark­baitoohha­ha