Heather NeRoy

Client Success Manager

If we had a position titled Professional Hype Woman, Heather would be the perfect candidate. She's the first one to cheer on her Hoppy sisters, in good times and tough ones. Heather is thoughtful, enthusiastic, encouraging, and truly has embraced our "sisterhood first, always" Core Value. She's the kind of woman that has the smarts to think five steps ahead of what she's currently working on—and when you get to a roadblock, she's got plans A, B, and C already in motion to get you through it. Her intuition is sharp and if you're having an off day, she's likely to pick you up with a sweet text or perfectly-timed gif. In fact, if there was a position in life titled Professional Maid of Honor, this girl would be the all-star: hype woman, strategic ally, and crisis crusher extraordinaire. We are so thankful she's a #hoppy4life.

Insider Info

Pronouns: she / her / hers

Things I love: Read­ing (non-fic­tion is my fave, but when life gets heavy I’ll throw in a fluffy chick-lit read), lis­ten­ing to pod­casts, mov­ing my body (yoga, pilates, strength train­ing, walk­ing, the Pelo­ton app – I love it all), med­i­ta­tion, cof­fee, cheese, gad­gets, plants, and the beach.

What pushes my panic button: I have an irra­tional fear of lizards. I’m not sure the ori­gin of this fear, but I’ve been afraid of them ever since I can remem­ber. *shud­der*

Something that surprises people about me: Peo­ple are always sur­prised to hear I’ve been a yoga teacher for over 7 years. I’m proud to rep­re­sent the truth that yoga teach­ers and prac­ti­tion­ers can come in all shapes, sizes, and lev­els of flexibility.

Something that surprises *me* about me: I nev­er thought I’d be the kind of per­son who throws her dog a birth­day par­ty, but here I am.

Dream vacation spot: Alas­ka. The land­scape is oth­er­world­ly to this born-and-raised Cal­i­for­nia girl. My dream way to see Alas­ka? With my fam­i­ly on a Dis­ney Cruise!

Workspace décor: Cozy min­i­mal­ist — Only the things I love the most get a spot on my desk. A plant, a salt lamp, and a pic of my 2 daughters.

Favorite wedding moment: My dad was in an awful acci­dent just a few weeks before my wed­ding and we weren’t sure if he was going to be able to walk me down the aisle. The aisle of the chapel was too nar­row for a wheel­chair and we were heart­bro­ken that we wouldn’t have that spe­cial moment togeth­er. At the last minute, his sur­geon approved him walk­ing me down the aisle using crutch­es and I’m for­ev­er grateful.

What I love most about my job: The bril­liant and kind women I get to work with! Every sin­gle per­son at Here Comes The Guide is so so smart — and I learn so much from them every sin­gle day. The only thing big­ger than their brains is their hearts.