Megan Braswell

Regional Sales Director | Tri-State

Kismet. That’s what it was the day Megan joined us as at Here Comes The Guide. We had been asking (more like pleading with) the Universe to send us another smart, competent, confident, slightly sassy and oh-so-Penelope sister. Well, we got all that. and. so. much. more. Megan could have been an 80s spokeswoman, because she embodies the slogan, “Never Let Them See You Sweat.” She takes on each new challenge thrown her way with grace and confidence and makes it look like she’s been doing it for years. So, we owe a huge thank-you to the Universe for sending Megan our way. And, the best news for us (and, more importantly, for her clients!), is that she’s just getting started.

Insider Info

Domestic Status: I’m bliss­ful­ly mar­ried to my best friend, whose pas­sion for cook­ing real­ly good food mir­rors my own pas­sion for eat­ing real­ly good food. We’re lucky to be the par­ents of a per­spi­ca­cious and free-spir­it­ed lit­tle girl, who keeps us on our toes. We make a great team!

Extracurricular activities: I love the out­doors, so when I can find the time I enjoy kayak­ing, hik­ing, camp­ing, climb­ing or just get­ting out there’ with my family.

Pet peeves: When peo­ple mis­use the word lit­er­al­ly”. I real­ize this shouldn’t both­er me as much as it does.

Dream vacation spot: Spain! I want to see Seville and Grana­da, and of course Barcelona an

Most unrealistic life goal: To live out of my back­pack and trav­el the world. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, there are all those pesky respon­si­bil­i­ties get­ting in the way.

Guilty pleasure: Sleep­ing in! It’s a much too rare indulgence.

What people underestimate about me: My deter­mi­na­tion and how com­pet­i­tive I am.

Source of inspiration: My daugh­ter and hus­band are my source of love, enthu­si­asm and inspi­ra­tion, and I am grate­ful to them for mak­ing my every­day life so spe­cial and exciting.

What pushes my panic button: Being late. My blood pres­sure soars the instant I think I’m run­ning behind.

My favorite things: My kayak, choco­late, moun­tains, trav­el­ing, date night, hik­ing, choco­late and chocolate.

Work space décor: Sim­ple and clut­ter-free. My daugh­ter has tak­en it upon her­self to dec­o­rate my space with her one-of-a-kind art­work, which makes me happy.